A big thank you to Doug, Peter and Andy for presenting this month, and as ever a big thnak for to Newcastle University in supporting us. Here are the videos of this moneth event. A copy of Doug’s slides are on Slide Share and Andy’s new service is Ask The Pigeon.
A big thank you to Philip and Alex for a great Super Mondays on Test Driven Development. Here are the videos if you missed the talks, or would just like to watch them again.
We also have the audio from the questions stored at https://archive.org/details/SuperMondaysTDD2014.
It was a full house for March’s Makers event. So if you could not get a ticket or could not make it along then here of the videos.
A big thank you to all out speakers. Also not forgetting Jason Judge and Peter Nelson for welcoming everyone at the front desk, Steve Boneham for videoing the event, and to Newcastle University for there continued support of Super Mondays.