This month we improvised with the videos recording them on a mobile phone. Hopefully the lack of recording quality will not take anything away from the content.
Martin Underhill – The Importance of Web Standards
Vicky Teinaki – Got HTML prototypes
You can view Vicky’s slides on SlideShare and read her summery blog post.
Ross Cooney – A Brief History
Apologise that Ross’s question were cut short. The battery in the phone ran out. Do you know how much effort it takes to recover video from an iPhone when the battery has run out. We did not until this but it turns out to be a lot.
So that is SuperMondays done and dusted for 2013, and we hope to see you all again in January 2014.
This month we have three excellent speakers covering the following topics:
Vicky Teinaki: Got HTML prototypes? We’ve come a long way since the days of mocking things up in Macromedia Fireworks and pulling them apart in Dreamweaver. Or have we? I’ll discuss some of the current practices on why to and not to prototype in code and some of the options each way, from Bootstrap to Axure.
Nothing is more important to a business than the bottom line. That goes for start ups, agencies and freelancers alike; web standards affect every business in more ways that we might think! I’ll be talking about reaching as wide an audience (or as big a market) as possible through well written HTML and CSS and how that code is easier (and therefore cheaper) to maintain.
Ross Cooney: A brief history of encryption from the Egyptians, Mary Queen of Scotts, American gold diggers and The Enigma machine. I will show the evolution of ciphers and some of the tricks used to break them. (NB: I am not a cryptanalyst, just an enthusiast!).
This event will take place on Monday 25th November at the Research Beehive in Newcastle University. We will meet at 18:00 for tea, coffee and sandwiches….speeches will start at 18:30.