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Ignite100 sneak preview, a review

Photo by @ab_thomas

In early November we hosted the ignite100 teams at SuperMondays. This was another ‘sell out’ audience and expertly hosted by Paul Smith.

You can read a full review on the BetaRocket website:

Thank you to all of our speakers, atendes and sponsors!

Local and Hyper-Local, a review

The market for news, and in particular local news has changed significantly over the past generation. In October we tried to unpick these changes and see how some local journalists are trying to change this.

Our speakers included:

  • Rick Waghorn, CEO and Co-founder of local online advertising exchange Addiply. Rick is a former award-winning, provincial football reporter. Now one of the UK’s leading thinkers and practitioners of new media behaviour, first through the launch of MyFootballWriter (April ’06), then via the development and launch of Addiply (2008) and the birth of his own new media blog, RickWaghorn (2008). Addiply aims to build a collaborative open advertising network and will open it’s API to developers early next year.
  • Stephen Noble, Founder and Editor at Keep Your Eyes Open, The North East’s Arts and Culture Dispatch. KYEO.tv was set up in 2010 to bridge the gap between the high-end music and arts publications, and quick, accessible online information. Part magazine, part guide and focused on video, KYEO.tv is a an experimentation into the new forms of journalism starting to be embraced by the traditional press.
  • Ian Wylie, Founder of JesmondLocal., a hyperlocal news service for people who live and work in Jesmond. While most hyperlocal services are run by enthusiastic amateurs, JesmondLocal is edited by Ian, a professional journalist with more than 20 years’ experience in national newspapers and magazines, supported by journalism students from Newcastle University and local “citizen reporters” from the Jesmond community. Now JesmondLocal are running Digital Journalism Bootcamps to give local people the essential skills needed to tell stories about Jesmond and it’s people.

@AidanGarnish wrote an excellent review of the event here:

@janetedavis also wrote an excellent revire of the event:

As always, thanks to our speaker, attendees and our sponsors (Nigel Wright and Newcastle University).

Review: Conversion optimisation for a better user experience

Last night we were treated to excellent talks from four speakers:

Lauren has written a review of the event here: http://hedgehoglab.com/2012/10/12/supermondays-designing-personality/

I want to thank our speakers and sponsors (Nigel Wright and Newcastle University).
