Thank you once again to this month’s speakers. If you missed the event or would like to watch is again the videos are below. SuperMondays should be back as normal next month. Also do remember to keep an eye on Appy Mondays for future mobile event.
Stuart Varrall (Bubblepix)
Jose Gabriel Marcelino
Nike Fuelband, Nest and Jawbone Up. What do these pieces of hardware have in common? They are connected to mobile apps to allow us to control them or view the data they are reporting. This months collaborative event between SuperMondays and AppyMondays will feature speakers who have created hardware products that attach directly to mobile devices or have connected apps. Please not that because of the bank holiday we will be meeting on Tuesday 28th May making both our names completely wrong.

Another amazing turnout this month with tickets selling out just before. So for those of you who missed out, or if you just want to recap, here are the videos.
Richard Powell – angular.js
Philip Poots – Ember.js
Alex Kavanagh – Coffeescript
A big thank you to all our speakers. An amazing job done.