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SuperMondays – Databases 2013, a review

Thank you once again to all our speakers this month. Here are the videos from the night.

Ross Cooney – Non standard queries

Matt Wells – Optimising key areas of your application with Redis

Marc Qualie – MongoDB: Fast and Painless Scaling

Sam Lambert – MySQL – Not dead yet

SuperMondays – Databases 2013

Good news. We are back this month, but this time on a Tuesday.

Eventbrite - SuperMondays - Databases 2013

Optimising key areas of your application with Redis

Matt Wells – Head Of Development – Performance Horizon Group
https://twitter.com/ninja_p http://www.ninjapenguin.co.uk/

“Introduction to Redis, strengths and weaknesses. The talk will cover practical examples of optimising standard application operations using some of the key features of Redis” Specifically it will cover the Redis data structures and very briefly touch on embedded programming with Lua”

MongoDB: Fast and Painless Scaling

Marc Qualie – Developer – Performance Horizon Group
https://twitter.com/marcqualie http://marcqualie.com/

MongoDB is an open source document data store which is designed for simplicity and speed. I’m going to cover how it can help you scale your application quickly and efficiently, taking advantage of it’s schema-less nature to improve both development speed and application performance. You’ll learn how easy it is to create, replicate and shard your application in no time at all with no additional coding to go from a single instance to a 100 node, failure tolerant sharded cluster.

MySQL – Not dead yet

Sam Lambert – DBA Badass – Github
https://twitter.com/isamlambert http://www.samlambert.com

MySQL was first released 13 years ago and is still the database of choice for some of the largest sites on the internet (Google, Facebook, Twitter). In this talk we will explore the tooling, architecture and techniques that allows us to achieve uptime, scale, resilience and most importantly constancy with this battle hardened database server.

Non standard queries

Ross Cooney – Head of Engineering Software and Telemetry at Smith Electric Vehicles

The vast majority of database queries are in a query language such as SQL or something similar….however there are other query methods. Innovation in this area is being pushed by large network operators where query speed, data replication, reliability and query bandwidth are very important. Some examples include using DNS lookups to perform database queries (in the case of DNSBL’s) or an even more bandwidth friendly system over TCP is used by the Distributed Checksum Clearinghouse.

Eventbrite - SuperMondays - Databases 2013


The venue is:

Research Beehive, Newcastle University
NE1 7RU Newcastle upon Tyne
United Kingdom

A Map can be found on the eventbrite page. Arrive from 18:00, presentations will start at 18:30


Speedy Mondays, a review

This month was all about being fast and these are the recordings of the sessions.

Richard Powell

Graham Morley

Oli Wood

Because of a problem with the camera we have lost Oli’s words to history, but his slides are available on Speaker Deck. Sorry about that. If you are looking for work CANDDi are hiring.

Paul Callaghan

Stefan Dantchev
